True Family
We are authentic, speak the truth in love, and we dont give up on each other.
Keep Changing
Our goal is the best version of us, so we mess with the methods and embrace change.
Our thoughts, our words, and our actions will all honor Christ.
Give OUR
We are generous with our time and resources; we are spiritual contributers, not just consumers.
We reach out, commit to developing others, and then we do it again.

"We Represent Jesus In Everything We Do!"
Who We Are: Our purpose at Hope is to see lives changed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help each person who walks through our doors take their next step with Jesus. We have a contemporary style and welcome those from all walks of life. Whether you are single, a couple or have a family there’s a place for you!
Where We Have Been: We first opened our doors in the 1930s when a group of Christ followers met in the upper room at city hall. When the opportunity came the church purchased a building and since then we have been ministering in the Quad cities.
Where We Are Going: Hope Church has always been focused on following God’s plan and where God wants to take us next. We believe that one of those next steps is our 2020 vision. We are preparing for new ministries, a new facility and new lives changed for Christ.

Our Staff

lead Pastor
Craig ruesch
Pastor Craig has served as lead pastor since June of 2021. Before that, he served as lead pastor at church in Beloit, WI and Perry GA. He has a BA in Pastoral Ministry from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL. He has also completed Master's Degree credits in Pastoral Leadership. Pastor Craig has been married to Brooke for 25 years and has two children, Elaina age 17 and Addison age 13. He is a huge Chicago Bears fan and loves spending time with his family.
Worship Pastor
Brooke Ruesch
Brooke Ruesch has been on staff at Hope Church as our worship leader since June 2021. With 20 years of experience leading worship teams, Brooke is gifted into leading the congregation into God's presence. Brooke is married to Pastor Craig and they have two daughters, Elaina and Addison. Brooke has a BA in Elementary Education from Coe College in Cedar Rapids and her Master's Degree in Teaching and Leadership from Saint Xavier in Chicago. Brooke loves to spend time with her family and her dog Lucy.

Next Gen. Pastor
Jon Axtell
Hello, I am the Next Gen Pastor here at Hope Church. This means that I oversee the ministries for all students under the age of 18. I am a 2021 graduate of Evangel University in Springfield, MO. I graduated with a degree in Youth Ministry with a comprehensive minor in Biblical Studies. I have been a Pastor here since August of 2021 and it has been so much fun. I have been married to my amazing wife Ashley who is currently working as a nurse since October of 2021. As you can see, 2021 was a very busy and exciting year for me! For those who are curious, my favorite colors are blue and green, my favorite restaurant is Olive Garden, and my favorite dinosaur is the Stegosaurus.
Office Manager
Robert Black
My name is Robert Black. My lovely wife is Kirsten, and we have the best little boys in the world. I have a BA in History and I am currently working on getting my ministry license. I play all sorts of instruments and love being a part of the Worship team every Sunday. I am from Florida and I always miss it when winter time is here. I am glad to be a part of the team here.

Media/Tech Director & Assistant Youth Director
Landen Walker
Hello, I am the Media/Tech Director and Assistant Youth Director here at Hope Church. This means I oversee all media that Hope Church creates and or promotes and on Sunday nights I get to help lead our Hope Students group. I have been on staff at Hope since April of 2024. My beautiful wife Abby and I have been married since July of 2024. Currently, I am pursuing my ministry credentials through Pathway Training and Abby is in the process of achieving a degree in elementary education. We are super blessed to be a part of the Hope Church family!
Pastoral Care Pastor
Don Combs
My name is Don Combs. I am the Pastoral Care Pastor here at Hope. I am originally from the Quad City Area. I spent 20 years in the Army. I pastored for 16 years, and I have been a Hospice Chaplain for 9. I am an ordained minister with the Foursquare Church. Mary and I have been married 44 years, we have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. It is going to be an honor to serve the congregation here at Hope Church.